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Lyrics Editor Widget Integration


This guide provides instructions for integrating the AudioShake Lyrics Widget into your application.

NOTE: The current version of lyrics editor widget is 2.3.0.

Important: Before integration, contact AudioShake to whitelist your domain for security reasons.

Below is an example screenshot of the lyrics editor window


Integration Steps

1. Widget Location

Choose a location in the HTML page where you want to integrate the widget, and then add an <iframe> tag that will be used to render the widget. You have complete control over where to place the <iframe>, but you should specify the dimensions of the iframe (e.g. via dynamic CSS styling or HTML height and width attributes). You should give the <iframe> a unique id that you will use to initialize the widget later. It is recommended to use at least 400px of width and 600px of height.

<iframe height="600px" width="400px" id="lyricsWidget" frameborder="0"></iframe>

2. Library Loading and Initialization

Load the widget library by adding a <script> tag. Replace the VERSION with the version that you need. The latest version in indicated in the beginning of this document:

<script src=""></script>

To initialize the library you need to add the following JavaScript code to either your .js file or new <script> tag. The library should be available as a global object AudioShakeLyricsWidgetLib. It's usually good practice to use something like the DOMContentLoaded event to run your javacript code:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const lyricsWidget = new AudioShakeWidgetLib.LyricsWidget(
licenseIdYour 25-character license IDabcde0123456789abcdefghij
userSessionIdUser session ID you generateuser-123
targetIframeIdID of the iframe for renderinglyricsWidget
maxRequests (optional)Maximum sync requests per audio in the session (default: 5)10

3. Loading Audio

3.1 Interactive Loading

You can reuse the same widget to edit lyrics for a list of tracks. To do that, you should have separate HTML elements that specify the details of individual audio tracks.

Create HTML elements that will load the widget with specific audio track. You can use any html tag, here we show example with <div>. When the element is clicked, it will load the widget to process the specified audio file:

Get lyrics

If you don't need the HTML elements to be interacted to load widget with a particular track, we also provide a method to load the track programmatically:


3.2 Programmatic Loading

Load tracks programmatically:

lyricsWidget.loadTrack(audioId, audioURL, language, transcriptUrl);


JS/TS AttributeDOM AttributeDescriptionExample
N/Aaudioshake-lyrics-widgetA required attribute that enables the HTML element to interact with the <iframe>
audioIdaudioshake-audio-idA unique id that identifies the track. If the user has already processed a track, the widget will show the result of the previous job for that particular track within the same user session.abcde0123456789abcdefghij
audioURLaudioshake-audio-urlA publicly accessible url that should point to the audio track.https://link/to/audio/file
language (optional)audioshake-language (optional)Specifies the language of the lyrics. It is not necessary, but if known from the metadata, specifying it can increase the accuracy of transcription. It should be a two-letter language code, see the list of supported languagesen
transcriptUrl (optional)audioshake-transcript-url (optional)Public URL of existing transcript for alignment. The transcript should be a JSON file. It can be aligned.https://link/to/transcript/file

4. Receiving the Aligned Transcript

Register a callback to receive the final result:

lyricsWidget.registerOnResultReceived((result) => {
const { audioId, licenseId, userSessionId, audioUrl, alignedTranscriptUrl, assets } = result;
// Handle the result
audioIdThe ID of the audio file1234567890abcdef
licenseIdYour 25-char license IDABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234
userSessionIdUser session id that you generate. Transcribed lyrics are cached within the session, and maxRequest limit appliessess-1234abcd5678efgh
audioUrlA download link to the audio file
alignedTranscriptUrlA download link to the aligned transcript
assetsProvides the resulting transcript in several formats (e.g .txt, .srt)[ { "name": "transcript.txt", "id": "cm13dp87g0003otmj5rpr5otxt", "fileType": "text/plain", "format": "txt", "link": "" }, { "name": "transcript.json", "id": "cm13dp87g0003otmj5rpr5ojson", "fileType": "application/json", "format": "json", "link": "" }, { "name": "", "id": "cm13dp87g0003otmj5rpr5osrt", "fileType": "application/x-subrip", "format": "srt", "link": "" } ]

5. Receiving Intermediate Results (Optional)

Register a callback for intermediate results:

lyricsWidget.registerOnIntermediateResultReceived((result) => {
const { audioId, licenseId, userSessionId, audioUrl, alignedTranscriptUrl, assets } = result;
// Handle intermediate result

6. Handling Errors (Optional)

Register an error callback:

lyricsWidget.registerOnErrorReceived((error) => {
const { code, message } = error;
// Handle the error

7. Widget Customization (Optional)


After initialization of the lyricsWidget, you can also call .customize to customize widget style and some content:

title: 'Custom title',
fontFamily: 'Times',
colors: {
background: '#FAFAFA',
text: 'red',
lyricsProgress: 'yellow', // the progress bar on lyrics during playback
primary: {
// buttons and other interactable elements
regular: '#00AA00', // regular color
hover: '#007700', // color change when hovering
text: 'black', // text color (to maintain contrast if necessary)

Almost every field in customization object is optional, so you can customize only the things that you need, e.g.

colors: {
background: "green",

Customization options:

type CustomizationBtn = {
regular: string;
hover?: string;
text?: string;

type Customization = {
title?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
colors?: {
background?: string;
text?: string;
lyricsProgress?: string;
primary?: CustomizationBtn;

For any issues or questions, please contact