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Bulk File Upload (SFTP)

To connect to AudioShake's SFTP server, users can download an SFTP Desktop Client like Cyberduck or Winscp. The server can be accessed using the user's AudioShake clientId and token. A config.json file with specified output format, licenseId, and names is required. A callbackUrl can be optionally provided for status updates.

Quick Start

  1. Download an SFTP Desktop Client: Cyberduck, Winscp, FileZilla.
    • SSH: You can use the sftp command in your terminal or command line interface. The format would be sftp
  2. To connect to our SFTP server at s, enter your AudioShake clientId and token into the user and password fields respectively.
  3. Once authorized, please provide a config.json file with the following information. Ensure that in the config.json file, you specify the desired output format, a licenseId, and names (which represent the output stem types). Optionally, you could provide a callbackUrl to get up to date info on the status of your request.
  4. To kick off jobs, please create an input folder, then add your files to the folder.
  5. Output files will be in the automatically created output folder.
    • Folder structure of the output folder would be song_name/model_name.format


The config.json file is a configuration file that is essential for using the SFTP server. It contains key information required for processing your request. The licenseId field is where you provide your license ID. The format field specifies the desired output format, which can be wav, mp3, flac, or json. The optional callbackUrl field can be used to provide a URL where status updates on your request can be sent. Finally, the names field should contain a list of the output stem types you want, such as vocals, drums, etc.


You can only use transcription or alignment in the names array when the format is json/text. Do not include other model types in the names array.

Click here to download the sample config.json , remember to put it in your SFTP parent directory.

"licenseId": "<enter your licence id here>",
"format": "<enter file formats here. examples are mp3, wav, flac>",
"callbackUrl": "<if you want to add a HTTP callback/webhook url put it here, or delete this line>",
"names": [
licenseIdYour unique license id
formatThe desired output file format. Check here for available formats
callbackUrlAn optional webhook site where multiple updates about the job status will be sent
residual (optional)Whether or not to also generate & output a residual, the source track discluding the given model
namesAn array of data models to use. A unique job will be created for every model. Check here for available models
Multiple Output Files

If you plan to generate multiple output files for various models then please note that you will be charged for each output file created

For more info on pricing, contact