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Create a new asset from a file link.



This route will only work for files that are publicly accessible. Use this route for both audio files for separation or transcription json files for alignment.



    link urirequired

    Possible values: >= 4 characters

    name string

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 100 characters


Default Response

    name string

    Name of the asset

    id string

    Unique identifier of the asset

    fileType string

    Type of the file of the asset

    format string

    Format of the asset

    link string

    URL link of the asset

    jobs object[]

    Array of jobs containing the stem assets generated from the asset

  • Array [
  • stemAssets object[]

    Array of stem assets generated for the job

  • Array [
  • name string

    Name of the stem asset

    id string

    Unique identifier of the stem asset

    fileType string

    Type of the file of the stem asset

    format string

    Format of the stem asset

    path string

    Path of the stem asset

  • ]
  • ]