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When making calls with your API, these are the model names used when creating jobs. For example, in this call, the model name is wav:

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--data-raw '{
"metadata": {
"format": "wav",
"name": "vocals"
"callbackUrl": "",
"assetId": "abc123"

Instrument Stem Separation

NameStem NameDescriptionAPIWidget
InstrumentalinstrumentalMusic without vocals, only instruments
DrumsdrumsPercussion instruments producing rhythmic beats
VocalsvocalsIsolates singing and vocal sounds
BassbassInstruments producing low-frequency sounds, typically the bass guitar or synthesizer bass lines
OtherotherRemaining instrumentation after removing vocals, drums, and bass
GuitarguitarInstruments from the guitar family, including electric, acoustic, and classical guitars
Other-x-Guitarother-x-guitarRemaining instrumentation after removing vocals, drums, bass, and guitar
PianopianoInstruments like Rhodes piano, upright piano, grand piano, and keyboard
WindwindInstruments like flute, saxophone, producing sound by vibrating air

If you would like to generate a residual stem, please set residual in the metadata field to true.

For more info, contact

Dialogue, Music, & Effects

NameStem NameDescriptionAPIWidget
DialoguedialogueSpeech or vocals isolated from any other sound
Music removalmusic_removalRemoving music from audio while retaining dialogue, background effects, and natural sound
Background (Music & FX)music_fxRemove dialogue to extracting a clean background stem of music and effects

Transcription & Alignment

NameStem NameDescriptionAPIWidget
TranscriptiontranscriptionText representation of spoken words or audio content
AlignmentalignmentSynchronization of audio and corresponding text or captions


In the provided cURL command, the "name" field in the JSON payload specifies the desired stem type for processing the audio file. It allows you to indicate what specific part of the audio you want to extract or process.

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--data-raw '{
"metadata": {
"format": "wav",
"name": "vocals"
"callbackUrl": "",
"assetId": "abc123"